It’s pretty hard not to express one’s admiration for someone when they keep on impressing you with their creativity and genius.
I’ve tried to put a lid on my admiration for Wentworth for a while now, in case I might bore my readers to death. But I’ll be perfectly honest with you; this hasn’t been easy for me. And then Wentworth just has to go and mess things up for me yet again, by being acclaimed for his brilliant writing skills for Stoker. Then, to top it all off, he is once again being approached to adapt another screenplay (besides all of the other screenplays₍₁₎ he has under his belt), called Scare Me, for Richard Parker’s new novel. What really amazes me is that Wentworth hasn’t been writing for very long either. Now if that’s not a genius then I really don’t know what is. So please forgive me if I’m a little gushy right now but I just can’t help it!
I would like to add one more thing before I sign off …
Wentworth I am so very proud of you! I look forward to seeing all of your movies when they eventually make their way to SA. Thank you for following your heart and pursuing your dreams because you've made this world a richer one by doing so.
₍₁₎ See the Sidebar for a list of Wentworth's announced screenplays.