Wentworth, Thanks for taking the time to speak again. I thoroughly enjoyed being on set with all of you guys Friday, and I can't wait to see your appearances on the show.
1) We spoke during the interview about advice you would hypothetically give to Grant Gustin who is an up-and-coming TV star, like you recently were. What advice might you give to star of the Flash movie Ezra Miller, who becomes the first open member of the LGBT community to tackle the leading role in a big budget superhero movie?
With respect, something I like to practice in my relationships is asking people if they want my opinion/advice before giving it. I've never met Ezra Miller and I'd never just assume anything I might have to say would be useful and/or of interest to him. Let's just say I'm a fan and I wish him continued success.
2) Following on that, do you think the TV/film industry in general is more LGBT friendly than it was five or ten years ago, or even when you wrote your passionate letter in 2013? Where do you see it going from here?
I'd like to believe the industry is more LGBT-friendly. I see LGBT characters on TV and I can think of actors who are out and paying the rent. Again, mostly on TV. Most out actors I can name are either exclusively or primarily associated with television. I don't know why that is, why I can't think of more out movie actors. It feels like change might be coming more slowly on the feature side.
3) What do you think it means for comic fans in the LGBT community to see themselves represented onscreen and in comic books -- whether it be in characters like the Pied Piper and Arrow's Black Canary, or in actors like yourself as Captain Cold, Ezra as The Flash, or John Barrowman as Arrow's Malcolm Merlyn"
I don't know what it means for them. I'm sure it's different for everybody. Obviously my hope is that someone or several someones respond positively to my presence onscreen. LGBT or not. That said, when I show up on set I'm not thinking about being a symbol or pushing an agenda. I'm there to work and help color in a corner of the DC universe.
4. There are so many wonderful examples of openly LGBT actors/actresses in superhero roles right now, perhaps more so than with traditional action roles. Why do you think the comic book-loving community is so much more accepting of diversity?
I'm not an expert on comic books. Or the people who read them. But if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say the "outsider stigmatized/punished for being different learns to embrace being different and finds empowerment" theme, which seems to fuel so many comic book arcs, has helped lay the foundation for comic book readers to be more open to - even celebrating of - diversity.
5. Since publishing your letter in 2013, has there been a difference in what roles you're being offered or asked to audition for?
It's hard to say. I haven't noticed a significant change in the kinds of parts I'm offered. Then again, I'm not in the room when my name comes up in casting discussions. So I don't know what people in the industry are saying or thinking about me now. And I don't spend much time worrying about it. In my heart I believe I'll play the parts I'm meant to play and tell the stories I'm meant to tell. It's like when my mom used to write "Wentworth" in my t-shirts when I went off to summer camp. If it's got my name on it, it's mine. If it doesn't, it's not mine.
* * * * *
It's been a few years since we've seen you on the small screen, save for a spot on House in 2011. What about The Flash and Captain Cold made you want to get back into the swing of TV again?
I'd been writing for a few years and it was a lonely experience. Initially I enjoyed sitting at my desk and setting my own hours. Being my own boss. But I started missing the community and the connection you find on set. Especially a TV set. The cast and crew of "The Flash" bust hump every week putting together something great. And that creates this really tight, close-knit dynamic. A certain electricity. And I was looking for some of that in my life again.
Producers Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns intimated that it was your idea to bring Dominic Purcell in for Heatwave. Why did you believe he would be a good fit and what was it like reuniting for the first time on screen since Prison Break?
As soon as they described the character to me I thought of Dom. "Unpredictable, force-of-nature, a little rough-and-tumble..." But I never dreamed it would actually come together. And I'm so glad it did. As men, we couldn't be more different. But he gets me and I get him. And that's true of our characters as well. What I would have had to generate from nothing with another actor - history, intimacy - Dom and I already had the moment they yelled "action."
Speaking more specifically do your character, what was most intriguing about Leonard Snart/Captain Cold?
Snart's a villain but he's also very human. That's one of the things that drew me to him. The chance to play his various levels. When I watched the pilot I thought, "This is a show where there seems to be a real balance between action and character. They're investing in both." So I knew it wouldn't just be Snart blasting things with his Cold Gun. We get to see the man too.
What similarities might he have to Michael Scofield?
They're both clever, but where Michael is willing to sacrifice himself for others, Snart likes it the other way around.
The Rogues are a big part of The Flash mythology and it appears Captain Cold is building up his army. What's his drive in stopping The Flash at any cost?
It feels like his motivations are pretty classic. Dominance. Supremacy. First prize in the local pissing contest. It's how men like Snart pass the time and keep themselves amused. Taking what they want when they want. And anyone who gets in the way of that has to be eliminated.
* * * * *
What was it about this role that succeeded in luring you back to the small screen after your success in screenwriting?
Speaking frankly, I'd never heard of "Captain Cold." But I'd heard of Greg Berlanti. I have a great deal of respect for what Greg's accomplished, and I was interested in working with him in some capacity, as an actor or writer or both. So when the offer came in, I was open to coming on board even before I'd read the script. The fact that it was a great part was icing on the cake.
Geoff Johns has described Leonard Snart as the best at what he does -- comparing him to De Niro in Heat. What makes Leonard such a pro -- and such a dangerous adversary for The Flash -- in your opinion?
Snart's street smart but he also understands people. What makes them tick. Or vulnerable. Then he uses those insights to press his advantage.
Does he see Barry as a true threat, or more of a nuisance (and why)?
I think the answer is "both." Snart recognizes The Flash is a game changer. When meta-humans start popping up around Central City, it's not just the good guys who have to adjust. The bad guys do too. Nothing's the same now. Snart knows he needs to adapt in order to compete. Or go the way of the dinosaurs.
What makes Dominic's Heat Wave such an ideal ally for Captain Cold, and what do they see in each other?
I think their dynamic speaks to balance. Hot and cold. Brawn and brains. And so on. Snart's aware enough to know he'll need help taking out The Flash. As far as the specifics of how that goes down, naturally I can't tell you.
In the comics, Captain Cold is the leader of the Rogues, something alluded to in the title of Episode 10 -- how might we see that role explored or teased in upcoming episodes?
You know, the beauty of being a guest star is that I get to show up, say my lines, have some fun, and go home. It's not my job to explain the show's themes, tease storylines... I can leave that to the leads. Which I'm happy to do. They know better than I what can and cannot be revealed about upcoming episodes.
The two rogues, Captain Cold and Heat Wave, wrapped up their gig from “The Flash” for Episode 10.
That’s right! Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell were photographed together at the Vancouver, Airport on Friday, 24 October 2014.
I was over the moon to see that Went was wearing his black “North Star” jacket for warmth and of course his bucket hat for comfort or was it camouflage? Whatever! It makes me very happy indeed!
Please follow the links below for the amazing pictures.
Don't you agree that Captain Cold looks menacingly attractive holding his “cold gun” in his grasp? Never mind the gun he’s flashing, I can tell you he’d only have to flash those cool steel eyes at me and I’d definitely be frozen in my tracks! Wouldn’t you?
Here’s a tease of what’s ahead for The Flash when Captain Cold aka Leonard Snart makes his debut in Episode 4 – “Going Rouge” of The Flash.
The Flash (Grant Gustin) stops a robbery but the culprits get away after shooting a guard, and The Flash chooses to save the man instead of following the criminals. Joe (Jesse L. Martin) shows Barry a book of suspects and Barry identifies Leonard Snart (guest star Wentworth Miller, Prison Break) as the leader of the group. Snart revises his plan to steal the Kahndaq Dynasty Diamond and gets a boost when he gets his hands on a stolen "cold gun," which could kill The Flash. Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) is furious when he finds out that Cisco (Carlos Valdes) built the cold gun without telling anyone and now it's missing. Meanwhile, Iris (Candice Patton) is getting the silent treatment from Joe because of her relationship with Eddie (Rick Cosnett). Finally, The Flash and Captain Cold have an epic confrontation.
Follow the link below to read more about the episode with the awesome photo stills.
In my previous blog “Flashing The Flash” I wrote that I would be watching the pilot episode of The Flash on Tuesday, 14thOctober 2014. I did! I was literally blown away! [She jokes]. Seriously the effects were amazing and I enjoyed the storyline. No wonder the ratings were so good.
Yes I’m keeping score and I will continue to do so because I’ve a vested interest in this show i.e. Wentworth Miller. I’ve a feeling when Wentworth’s character Captain Cold aka Leonard Snart bursts onto our TV screens “The Flash” ratings are going to soar! You mark my words. I mean take a look at the links below and perhaps you’ll catch my drift.
You just mentioned Wentworth Miller -- what kind of emotions have been stirred by seeing one of your favorite characters, Captain Cold, in live-action for the first time?
When I was on set, and he first came out -- it's just really cool to see him hold that cold gun. There was a huge debate about, "Does he hold the gun with two hands or one hand?" Glen Winter, who directed it -- he directed some "Arrow" episodes I wrote, and some "Smallville" [episodes] when I first started writing TV -- I've known him for a long, long time, and we got to talk a lot about Barry, and Snart, and what it all meant emotionally. There are some really cool emotional arcs in that episode that make Cold even stronger of a character, and he represents a lot in the show when you see it. I don't want to ruin the surprise.
It was great to have these debates about why he would hold it with one hand. It wasn't just because it looked cooler, it was because of the confidence he has when he touches that cold gun for the first time. It's almost like, "Oh my god, where have you been all my life?" The way that Wentworth portrayed it -- he evolves from this very intelligent and driven criminal, and then he's in a city where a streak is showing up, and it's causing all these problems, and he realizes he's got to evolve himself. This is the first step of his evolution. We talked a lot about the character, his attitude, where he's going to go. To be able to sit there on set and talk with Wentworth and Glen about Captain Cold -- that's heaven, y'know? Especially when you're working with an actor this talented, talking to the prop guys that were making the gun about what it should look like -- I hope people enjoy the episode. I'm really happy with how it turned out.
Check out the “behind” the scenes of The Flash on a freezing cold night on Thursday, 16th October 2014 in VC., BC., Canada with Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller), Heatwave (Dominic Purcell) and Flash (Grant Gustin) .
No wonder they called these scenes “behind” the scenes. I must say Went looks very cuddlesome in his Parka from behind wouldn’t you agree? I could just give him a good ol’ polar bear hug!
You might be wondering why I’ve been writing in this fashion? It just so happens that as I’m writing about this event the information and pictures are popping up on the Internet. It’s now apparent that the photos of Went were taken from various photographers at different scenes and angles.
It’s so good to see Wentworth and Dominic acting together once again. It sure brings back such wonderful memories for me and I guess for you and everyone involved … Wentworth and Dominic.
I have another three episodes of The Flash to see before Captain Cold makes his debut. I can tell you that my excitement and anticipation of seeing Went on TV is certainly raising the temperature in the Southern Hemisphere to boiling point. Talk about a “Heatwave”!
A new picture of Went was posted on Instagram the other day. If you follow the link and read the hash tag below the photo it suggests an act of kindness towards the elderly. I dare not jump to any assumptions but from what I can gather about a certain post on Went’s FB page he cares dearly for the elderly and that to me says a hell of a lot about a person’s character.
When I was a young child I always had empathy towards the elderly and I believe that we should always respect and honour them no matter who they may be. Let’s face it; we’re all going to grow old someday. Wouldn’t you want to be loved, respected and taken care of when you’re old?
I’d like to share these three wonderful quotes with you.
“That best portion of a good man's life; His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.”
—William Wordsworth
“The best part of life is not just surviving, but thriving with passion and compassion and humour and style and generosity and kindness.”
—Maya Angelou
“When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.”
It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged for Went and it’s not that I haven’t wanted to, it’s just that life around me has been pretty hectic lately.
I’ve been constantly reminded to take a little time for myself by a little voice deep down inside, and by others on the outside. I was reminded to glow when Went posted a YouTube Video by the Mills Brothers singing "Glow Worm" on his Facebook Page which brought back so many happy memories for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xGCnPAxfIM
Then after listening to the song again and settling down to watch a little TV would you believe? There it was. Flashing across the TV screen. A preview of “The Flash”!
DSTV in SA was advertising that it was indeed going to show “The Flash” on the 14th October 2014.
What a coincidence wouldn’t you say?
Well when I saw this advert I jumped off the couch and started doing “A War Dance” like this …
Please don’t ask me why I did this ... but it was the only dance I could come up with in the moment. [She laughs]. Perhaps it was all the stress and anxiety I’ve been going through lately coupled with the excitement of seeing Captain Cold aka Leonard Snart aka Wentworth Miller on my TV screen. Who knows? Emotions can make you do the weirdest things at times. [She giggles]. With all of this excitement and prodding I was jolted into action and settled down to write this blog.
So here’s looking at “The Flash” on my TV screen soon
and of course you Captain Cold or is it Leonard Snart? You're going to be an icycold breath of fresh air on my TV screen that's for sure!