Well just when life seemed a little dull and I'd given up all hope of hearing from Went, he surprised me by writing a superlatively marvellous short story titled “McDonald’s Drive-Thru, 8:23am” and published it in The Mankind Project Journal on January 28th, 2013.
Thanks to dear Went, after reading his piece I had "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"playing around in my head all day with an enormous craving for a “Sausage McMuffin with Egg and Cheese but later on in the day that craving changed to a Mac Snack Wrap instead with a McCafĂ© Strawberry Banana Smoothie to follow. [She teases.]
It just goes to show that we should never give up hope ‘cause there is always something superlatively marvellousto look forward to around each corner.
Thank you so very much Went, you certainly brightened up my day. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your short story and I look forward to reading more about your escapades in the very near future.
Emily Dickinson described “hope” so well …
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