When Went came out last year in August 2013, I was very proud of him for speaking his truth and making a stand for the LGBT community. I thought that Went was very courageous. Went's selfless act of courage definitely deserved applause, but most importantly he has also earned a lot of respect for what he has done by many in the LGBT community, his peers and fans all over the world.
Sadly for certain individuals, Went's message flew right over their heads as they have not been able to grasp what his "coming out" was really about, but instead they have jumped at the chance to promote pornography instead.
Sadly for certain individuals, Went's message flew right over their heads as they have not been able to grasp what his "coming out" was really about, but instead they have jumped at the chance to promote pornography instead.
I’m not a prude. In fact I’m quite broad minded and I have a feeling that Went is too, but when I come across a vile tweet or a caption promoting gay pornography using Wentworth’s good name on the Internet, it genuinely troubles me! I understand that certain people might need assistance to get their rocks off by looking at pornography, but unfortunately these individuals use Went's good name and fame to ensnare innocent youngsters who admire and look up to him as a role model. I'd hate to see Went's name and good deeds being tarnished by a few unscrupulous individuals wouldn't you?
Went deserves to be treated with the utmost respect and love after all he has worked very hard to earn our respect. Went has sacrificed so much of himself by speaking openly about his sexuality and his struggles to help others who are battling too with their sexuality.
If we find these particular tweets and captions/threads distasteful, can you imagine how Went’s family and friends must feel when they stumble upon it on the Internet?
I appeal to anyone who agrees with me in this regard to spread this message out there to these individuals that we disapprove of their conduct and that we will not tolerate it. Let us do this out of love and respect for Went, for his family and also for the innocent young kids out there. By making a stand, we will be able to make a difference.
Thank you so much for reading this notice. I'm confident that you will do the right thing.
Best Regards
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