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What can you tease/reveal about your villainous role, Captain Cold, on The Flash?
Very little. Sorry. All I can say is that it's a great introduction. Glen Winter directed my first episode and he's fantastic. I totally lucked out there. Glen had insights and camera moves that really helped me sell the character.
How is it going to be different from the Captain Cold we know from the comics?
I don't know if I can speak to that. Because I haven't read too many of them yet. I didn't grow up reading comics. Not because they didn't appeal. They did. But they were frowned upon in my house. Although I did get deep into "Elfquest" for a beat. On the sly. Anyway, I'd never read "The Flash," I'd never heard of "Captain Cold" before getting hired, and as far as playing him on the show, my sense is that the writers have a take on the character that's slightly different than what's come before. So I'm content to riff on whatever they cook up episode to episode.
I know we're going to meet you in this week's episode, but what can you tease about your return in episode 10?
Nada. Not without getting in trouble. Although I will note that I think it's pretty cool they went to Dom for the role of Heat Wave. I've been trying to think of another situation where two actors closely associated with one show were recast on another show, playing two new characters, and I can't. It feels really unusual. Special.
What new problems will your villain present to Barry and the STAR Labs team that we haven't seen from any other villains yet?
To be determined. But I'd like to imagine that Snart's impact on Barry - and vice versa - could potentially be very personal. Barry's clearly got some father issues, and from what I'm told Snart does too. So they've got that in common. And maybe that will express itself in some way. Or I could be making all that up.
There are so many remakes coming to TV these days. Could you ever see Prison Break coming back? Or even doing a movie at some point?
It's funny - Dom and I were just talking about that. We were saying there could easily be another "hidden chapter," a stand-alone, like at the end of PB's final season with Sara in trouble. I've got people coming up to me everyday - people who were kids when the show first aired - and they're just starting to watch the first season on Netflix or DVD. To them it's like the show is still present tense. It's amazing how many times I get asked when it's coming back.
What was it like reuniting with Dominic as Captain Cold and Heatwave? Is the brotherly bromance still alive?
100%. Which works well in that you can really tell Captain Cold and Heat Wave have spent time in the trenches together. But these are very different characters from "Michael" and "Lincoln" and that's been cool to explore. Also, Dom makes me laugh. He can be very, very funny. I hope one day he gets to give people a taste of that onscreen. They'll be surprised.
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Tell us about Leonard Snart, what kind of person he is and what his motivations are. How dangerous is he with that Cold Gun?
Snart's a master criminal at the top of his game, and I think he's been there awhile. And he's a little bored. A little complacent. Then he meets The Flash, who upends everything. And I think Snart appreciates that. On some level. I think he knows The Flash is going to keep him on his toes. Hence the need for new tricks. Like the Cold Gun.
Talk about his dynamic with Barry and going up against him in an epic showdown.
Snart's formidable, of course, but long-term I suspect The Flash may have the upper hand. For one thing, the show's called "The Flash." Also, The Flash has heart, which I believe counts for a lot in the comic book universe. If Snart has a heart, it's buried deep.
Did you read the comics to understand Leonard more?
I took a look at one or two comics but there's so much out there. The character's been around for decades. And then once I met Geoff Johns - one of the show writers and probably the authority on Captain Cold - I thought, I'm going to let Geoff and the powers-that-be tell me what I need to know about this character. My feeling is that they're going to respect the history but also give it a fresh spin. So I'm going to take my cues from the scripts.
He’ll eventually be teaming up with Heat Wave. What are they after?
They want what all villains want. To be top dog. In whatever arena they find themselves.
What was it like reuniting with Dominic?
Like riding a bike. We hadn't seen each other for five years but it was like not a day had passed. I know his rhythms onscreen, he knows mine. And that helped with the characterizations. Captain Cold and Heat Wave are supposed to have history. Built-in chemistry. And that's not something Dom and I have to worry about bringing to the table.
In the comics, Captain Cold is driven by three things: money, women, and the desire to beat Barry Allen. How much of that is a part of what we see in your first appearance on the show?
The only thing stronger than Snart's acquisitive streak is probably his competitive streak. So when The Flash shows up and Snart realizes it's no longer business-as-usual, he makes it his business to adapt. I think it's been a long time since someone challenged Snart. And after he gets over the initial shock, it's game on.
Also in the comics, Barry and Cold reluctantly had to work together at times. Will we see that play at all or is it purely one versus the other?
I don't know. And even if I did I probably couldn't reveal that here. It's a cool idea though. Some of my favorite scenes on "Prison Break" were when my character had to work with people he couldn't stand in order to get the job done. Stick a bunch of dogs in a barrel and roll it downhill, and you can pretty much guarantee there'll be something onscreen worth watching.
What was the most surprising thing about working with Dominic again and in such a different capacity?
I think one of the most surprising and useful things about working with Dom again was that we still had our old shorthand. Even after five years apart. He and I have a way of communicating what we want from a scene and how we're going to get it that would take forever to hash out if I was starting from scratch with an actor I'd never met before. And in TV, where there's never enough time, getting to the essence of a scene quickly is key.
I may be guilty of having done the 'gay gasp' when I heard you were playing Cold. What's the reaction been that you're aware of about your part in the show?
Couldn't tell you. I don't read entertainment journalism and I'm not online scrolling through the comments. I hope I'm well-received. But that's not up to me. So I'm not losing sleep over it. One of my acting coaches told me, "You cannot give people what they want. You can only give them what you do. If what you do is what they want, you're in business. If it's not... move on."
There are so many gay characters on TV now, even more so than when Prison Break was on the air. What do you make of where we're at when even a show like The Flash will have gay characters??
Obviously it's important for folks in the LGBT community - kids especially - to see themselves reflected onscreen. I can remember watching "Melrose Place" in college and paying special attention to the "Matt Fielding" character. Did that help ease the pain of coming out? No. Did I squirm a little wondering if my friends who were watching the show with me were connecting me to Matt? Yes. I also knew the actor was straight. But I did appreciate seeing some evidence that Hollywood was willing to tell Matt's story. It wasn't my story, but I felt a connection. Some representation. We've come a long way since then and I'm sure we'll go a long way still.
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Wentworth, "The Flash" is certainly part of this current explosion of comic book-based live-action prime time TV shows -- with more seemingly announced each week. As an actor who's worked in a variety of genres, what's exciting to you about getting to work with this type of material, and being a part of that larger movement on TV?
You know, I'm a fan of the genre and happy to be part of a show that's been so well-received, but to be honest, it's never been a particular dream of mine to play a superhero or comic book character. The enjoyment I get from playing Captain Cold isn't about riding a popular wave. It's primarily creative. I find the material supports almost any choice I might want to make as an actor. There are dramatic moments, comedic moments, I can be subtle, I can twirl my moustache... That's satisfying for me. It keeps things interesting.
Captain Cold occupies a very distinct and very prominent place in the Flash rogues gallery. What are the qualities in the character that were attractive to you?
Captain Cold is a bad guy with shades of gray. And I like that. The writers have shared some of his backstory with me - which we may or may not get to - and I thought, "Ah - there's a reason he is who he is. Or reasons plural." There are beats in my first episode where I'm an out-and-out bad guy and there are beats that hint at something else. The character's got dimension. Depth.
And did you do much research into the source material to prepare for the role?
I took a look at the comics but there's a lot out there. It's a little overwhelming. So I made the choice to let the powers-that-be tell me what I need to know. They'll guide my course.
Speaking of research -- DC chief creative officer and "Flash" executive producer Geoff Johns is probably the most famous Captain Cold fan. How much have you discussed with him about the character?
He's been great. And Kai Yu Wu, who co-wrote my first episode, has been a real asset as well. They were both on set, making themselves available, and whatever questions I had they were happy to answer. It was actually out of my back-and-forth with Geoff that the idea to approach Dom about Heat Wave emerged.
Of course, much has been made about your "Prison Break" brother Dominic Purcell also joining "The Flash" cast as a rogue, Heat Wave. Have you shot any scenes together yet? And how meaningful is it you to once again be on the same show as Purcell?
Anyone tuning in to see the two of us onscreen at the same time will not be disappointed. We've got a lot of scenes together. I just wrapped my second episode - Dom's first - in Vancouver and it was a blast. And a blast from the past. Dom and I played brothers for four years, and we developed a bond that really does feel brotherly. It was a lot of fun to tap into that but also push into new creative territory. This isn't "Michael and Lincoln Take Two." But there are moments that did feel a little wink-wink-nudge-nudge. Let's just say it was a good time.
Given the major role Captain Cold plays in The Flash mythos, presumably you'll be sticking around for a bit -- is there any indication at this point how many episodes you'll be appearing in, now that "the Flash" has been picked up for a full season?
That's up in the air. But I wouldn't be surprised if I showed up one or two more times this season. It depends on availability and what the writers have planned big-picture. Meanwhile, I'm just happy to have a place at the table.
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Painting by Grant Barnhart.
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