In my blog A Man Who Wears Many Hats I wrote about all the worldly talents Went possesses. I hinted that he has other talents yet to be revealed to us. I’ve been giving this much thought and goodness me this inspiration came to me. I was challenged by this question. What are the most important talents Went has given to the world? Is it only the material and visible things that he has offered us? My goodness how ashamed I was to think how superficial I could be to only write about his talents as an actor, screenwriter, singer, speaker, stuntman etc., when he has given us a treasure of himself that far outshines all of these abilities. Anyone can be great at any of these things but if they don’t possess good virtues then I’m afraid it’s a complete loss and waste of time.
Every person to me is like a diamond, some unfortunately not as bright as the others, but with a little bit of polishing and work they can shine just as brightly as the bright shiny ones do.
Now, Went you see, is one of those bright shiny diamonds. His facets sparkle whichever way you look at him. He strives to keep himself polished in every way. Went makes sure that his sparkle shines a light that everyone can see and follow. He endeavours to be the best human being possible by wearing these virtues as his breastplate.
Listed below are the virtues which Went possesses, that makes him sparkle so brightly and beautifully. Check if you possess these same virtues and if you’re one of those bright shining diamonds that I’m writing about.
The Virtues:Acceptance: Contentment & Forgiveness
Assertiveness: Confidence & Courage
Authenticity: Honesty & Integrity
Beauty: Joyfulness & Peace
Caring: Compassion & Kindness
Cleanliness: Orderliness & Purity
Commitment: Loyalty & Perseverance
Compassion: Caring & Understanding
Confidence: Assertiveness & Courage
Consideration: Caring & Compassion
Contentment: Fulfilment & Joy
Cooperation: Teamwork & Unity
Courage: Boldness & Courage
Creativity: Joy & Purposefulness
Detachment: Faith & Freedom
Determination: Commitment & Tenaciousness
Dignity: Honour & Respect
Enthusiasm: Energy & Motivation
Ethical: Fairness & Respect
Excellence: Dignity, Honour, Integrity & Respect
Fairness: Equality & Justice
Faith: Confidence, Hope & Trust
Flexibility: Detachment & Understanding
Forgiveness: Freedom & Peace
Friendliness: Kindness & Tact
Generosity: Kindness & Service
Gentleness: Patience & Peace
Graciousness: Dignity & Tact
Gratitude: Hope, Joy & Peace
Harmonious: Unity
Helpfulness: Graciousness & Service
Honesty: Integrity &Truthfulness
Honour: Dignity & Respect
Hope: faith, Joy & Trust
Humility: Modesty
Idealism: Confidence & Hope
Integrity: Honesty & Trust
Imaginative: Creativity
Joyfulness: Hope, Peace & Love
Justice: Fairness & Integrity
Kindness: Caring & Compassionate
Love: Caring, Forgiveness & Unity
Loyalty: Honesty & Trust
Moderation: Diligence & Responsibility
Modesty: Humility
Optimistic: Hope & Joyfulness
Orderliness: Cleanliness & Purity
Passionate: Enthusiastic & Purposefulness
Patience: Determination & Peace
Perseverance: Commitment, Determination & Resilience
Preparedness: Excellence & Orderliness
Reliability: Integrity & Loyalty
Respect: Dignity & Reverence
Responsibility: Courtesy, Tact & Trust
Reverence: Respect & Worth
Self-Discipline: Commitment & Determination
Service: Compassion, Generosity & Purposefulness
Sincerity: Authentic
Tact: Graciousness & Responsibility
Temperate: Moderation
Tenacious: Discipline & Perseverance
Thankfulness: Gratitude & Thoughtfulness
Tolerance: Patience & Tenacious
Trust: Loyalty & Respect
Truthfulness: Honesty, Faith & Trust
Understanding: Kindness & Tolerance
Unity: Harmony, Love & Peace
Visionary: Idealism & Leadership
Wisdom: Idealism & Visionary
Wonder: Creativity & Imagination
Cleanliness: Orderliness & Purity
Commitment: Loyalty & Perseverance
Compassion: Caring & Understanding
Confidence: Assertiveness & Courage
Consideration: Caring & Compassion
Contentment: Fulfilment & Joy
Cooperation: Teamwork & Unity
Courage: Boldness & Courage
Creativity: Joy & Purposefulness
Detachment: Faith & Freedom
Determination: Commitment & Tenaciousness
Dignity: Honour & Respect
Enthusiasm: Energy & Motivation
Ethical: Fairness & Respect
Excellence: Dignity, Honour, Integrity & Respect
Fairness: Equality & Justice
Faith: Confidence, Hope & Trust
Flexibility: Detachment & Understanding
Forgiveness: Freedom & Peace
Friendliness: Kindness & Tact
Generosity: Kindness & Service
Gentleness: Patience & Peace
Graciousness: Dignity & Tact
Gratitude: Hope, Joy & Peace
Harmonious: Unity
Helpfulness: Graciousness & Service
Honesty: Integrity &Truthfulness
Honour: Dignity & Respect
Hope: faith, Joy & Trust
Humility: Modesty
Idealism: Confidence & Hope
Integrity: Honesty & Trust
Imaginative: Creativity
Joyfulness: Hope, Peace & Love
Justice: Fairness & Integrity
Kindness: Caring & Compassionate
Love: Caring, Forgiveness & Unity
Loyalty: Honesty & Trust
Moderation: Diligence & Responsibility
Modesty: Humility
Optimistic: Hope & Joyfulness
Orderliness: Cleanliness & Purity
Passionate: Enthusiastic & Purposefulness
Patience: Determination & Peace
Perseverance: Commitment, Determination & Resilience
Preparedness: Excellence & Orderliness
Reliability: Integrity & Loyalty
Respect: Dignity & Reverence
Responsibility: Courtesy, Tact & Trust
Reverence: Respect & Worth
Self-Discipline: Commitment & Determination
Service: Compassion, Generosity & Purposefulness
Sincerity: Authentic
Tact: Graciousness & Responsibility
Temperate: Moderation
Tenacious: Discipline & Perseverance
Thankfulness: Gratitude & Thoughtfulness
Tolerance: Patience & Tenacious
Trust: Loyalty & Respect
Truthfulness: Honesty, Faith & Trust
Understanding: Kindness & Tolerance
Unity: Harmony, Love & Peace
Visionary: Idealism & Leadership
Wisdom: Idealism & Visionary
Wonder: Creativity & Imagination
As you can see Went has indeed set the bar high for everyone and is a shining example for everyone to follow. This is why I reckon he is “a cut above the rest.”
Wentworth thank you for being our role model and for enriching our lives with so much more than just a pretty face, a sexy voice, a man of creativity and talents. You are without a doubt “A Bright Shining Diamond” in our World, making it a sparkling place to be in!
Wentworth thank you for being our role model and for enriching our lives with so much more than just a pretty face, a sexy voice, a man of creativity and talents. You are without a doubt “A Bright Shining Diamond” in our World, making it a sparkling place to be in!
When I saw Lang Lang, a genius, perform Rhapsody in Blue at The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Concert, I immediately thought of Went and I must confess it’s one of my favourite pieces too. Unfortunately the video was band due to copyright infringements on You Tube so I've added this one instead.
Speaking about diamonds this song by Shirley Bassey was also so scintillatingly lovely.
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