Sometimes missing someone can be hard but it makes the "missing" even more sweeter when that "special someone" suddenly appears.
However long it takes to see you again Went, we'll be right here waiting for you!
I thought I'd share this beautiful poem written by Konstantin Simonov with you. It's about a soldier going off to battle and leaving his beloved behind. Wait for Me!
Wait for me, and I'll return
Only wait very hard
Wait when you are filled with sorrow...
Wait in the sweltering heat
Wait when the others have stopped waiting,
Forgetting their yesterdays.
Wait even when from afar no letters come to you
Wait even when others are tired of waiting...
And when friends sit around the fire,
Drinking to my memory,
Wait, and do not hurry to drink to my memory too.
Wait. For I'll return, defying every death.
And let those who do not wait say that I was lucky.
They will never understand that in the midst of death,
You with you waiting saved me.
Only you and I know how I survived.
It's because you waited, as no one else did.
~ Konstantin Simonov ~
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